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The VERY First Time!

better Living video series official

Yes. There’s a first time for everybody in everything you ever do!

Have you thought about that? I keep getting reminded of that so often these days. It seems that the demand for options that folks want in order to be able to help themselves ~ is becoming overwhelming! So, in order for me to help ALL OF YOU order your oils & supplements for the VERY FIRST TIME…this is just for you. 😀 I want to make it as easy as possible to get through setting up your account as it can be AND I know that I learn so much visually. I’ve also came to the realization that I can “talk” better than I can write! (Keep down the smart remarks back there in the “peanut gallery” about my talking.)

This will walk you through step by step to set up your VERY OWN membership.

Your VERY OWN 24% discount from now on!

Your VERY OWN opportunity to order  ONLY what you want~ WHEN you want!

And for SOME OF YOU~ your VERY OWN TOOL for making some extra money for that much needed car OR school supplies OR clothes for the kids OR vacation savings OR just want out of that boring job OR  plain ole groceries OR…..I could go on all day with what I’ve used my extra income for!

So in short (haha) ~ just watch the video & Happy Oiling!

Hugs & hugs today!


Nothing on this blog is meant to diagnose, claim to cure or take the place of your medical doctor.

How to Sign up & Order for the First Time from Sandra G Wallace on Vimeo.

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